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Crothers Park Trail

261 Forhan Street, Wallaceburg, ON, Canada
1.3 Kilometres
1.8 metres
Running Slope:
Average 2% Exceeds 5% in some locations
Cross Slope:
Average of 1% with short sections up to 5%

Trail Description:

This trail is a family-friendly trail suitable for everyone. Just over 1 km in length it can easily be traveled while pushing a stroller or wheelchair. The most picturesque points provide comfortable seating to birdwatch, rest and simply enjoy the view.

A portable washroom will be made available to users from April 1st- October 30th. Should the washroom become vandalized it may be removed.

Parking is located at the Forhan Road entrance.

  • Washrooms
  • Parking
  • Pets
  • hiking
  • cycling
  • running
  • walking
  • fishing
  • nature
  • birding