- Address
- 7 L Pinsonneault Street, Dover Centre, ON, Canada
- Length:
- 1450 metres
- Width:
- 3 metres
- Surface:
- Granular
- Running Slope:
- Average 2% Maximum 5% in some locations
- Cross Slope:
- Average 1%
Trail Description:
This trail offers beautiful views of Lake St. Clair and the agriculture around Mitchell’s Bay. The trail can be accessed from the north at 3 Pinsonneault St. in Mitchell’s Bay, or from the south at 6905 Angler Line. The unique features on this trail include a boardwalk and observation area.
Washrooms may be available during the summer season at Memorial Park Trail or Dover Beach.
Parking is located at the Memorial Park Trail parking lot.
- Washrooms
- Parking
- Pets
- cycling
- running
- walking
- nature
- birding