- Address
- Length:
- 24KM
- Width:
- N/A
- Surface:
- Water
- Running Slope:
- N/A
- Cross Slope:
- N/A
Trail Description:
This route covers 24km (15 miles) and can be run in either direction. From Dresden to Wallaceburg is downstream. The current is quite minimal except in early spring and after an extended period of heavy rain. The Wallaceburg launch points are at the west end of Crothers Park and at the parking lot (West) end of the Wallace St. Recreational Trail. At Dresden, the launch area is location at the park area on the southside of the river just west of the bridge.
A portable washroom will be made available to users from April 1st- October 30th. The washroom is available at the Crothers Park Parking Lot. Should the washroom become vandalized it may be removed.
- Washrooms
- Parking
- Pets
- fishing
- nature
- birding